If you just finished the first course, you will definitely love the second one!
The course gives a concise survey of the Chinese character-writing tradition. You’ll master the fundamentals of the Chinese writing aesthetics; maintain the main techniques, gain more knowledge about writing tools and materials You’ll get the explanation of the 214 Chinese character radicals (the first part in Part 1 of the Course, the second — in Part 2) and can practice their writing, using the animated and static samples given in videos and on pages. Elaborate tests are going to help you regularizing the new information and filling the lacunae.
During the course, students will learn the stages of the evolution of Chinese writing, the basic principles of writing hieroglyphs and the rules for the order of strokes, as well as groups of hieroglyphic radicals, which will greatly facilitate learning of hieroglyphics in the future.
Welcome to the mysterious world of the Chinese characters!