СПбГУ26 December 2022 - 31 December 2024 г.Course started

Structure of Matter: Atoms, Molecules, Nanomaterials. Part 2

Федорова Анна Викторовнаopenedu

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The course systematically reveals the relationship between the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, the periodic law of D.I. Mendeleev and the properties of substances and materials in various states of aggregation, modern achievements in the creation of various functional materials with desired properties, the foundations of the digital economy in the field of chemical sciences are considered.
7. 7.1 "Valence bond method in coordination compounds". 7.2 "Molecular Orbital Theory in the Complexes". 7.3 "Metal Carbonyls. Part 1".  7.4 "Metal Carbonyls. Part 2". 7.5 "Metal-Metal Bonds. Transition Metals Clusters.". 7.6 "Metallic Bonding".  7.7 "Intermetallics" 8. 8.1 "Aggregation States of Substances". 8.2 "Intermolecular Forces". 8.3 "Molecular Electrostatic Potential". 8.4 "Hydrogen Bonds". 8.5 "Dihydrogen Bond. Halogen, Chalcogen and Pnictogen Bonds". 8.6 "Metallophilic Interactions" 9. 9.1 "The Solid State of Matter". 9.2 "Types of Crystal Lattice". 9.3 "Polymorphism". 9.4 "Photonic Crystals". 9.5 "Amorphous State of Matter. Glass and Glass Ceramics". 9.6 "Ionic Liquids".